Odpowiedź :
It happened in little miesteczku. The short boy decided the certain calm, summer day around when a night will come he together with his Tofikiem dog will be sleeping in a tent. The boy prepared everything. A night dawned. The boy testified that he had gone to bed, he could hear constant barking of the dog. Suddenly in his courtyard a spaceship touched down. The boy could see how some people are taking the dog away from him. Their ship was similar to the ship UFO. the Boy ran after mame but it was already too late. Three days passed and for canine not a sign. Whether it naprawde was Ufo?
Zdarzyło się to w małym miesteczku. Pewnego spokojnego, letniego dnia mały chłopiec postanowił ze gdy nadejdzie noc on wraz ze swoim psem Tofikiem będzie spał w namiocie. Chłopiec przygotował wszystko. Nastała noc. Chłopiec zeznał że poszedł spać, słyszał ciągłe szczekanie psa. Nagle na jego podwórku wylądował statek kosmiczny . Chłopiec widział jak jacyś ludzie zabierają mu psa. Ich statek był podobny do statku UFO. Chłopiec pobiegł po mame ale było już za późno. Minęły trzy dni a po psie ani śladu. Czy to naprawde było Ufo?
It happened in little miesteczku. The short boy decided the certain calm, summer day around when a night will come he together with his Tofikiem dog will be sleeping in a tent. The boy prepared everything. A night dawned. The boy testified that he had gone to bed, he could hear constant barking of the dog. Suddenly in his courtyard a spaceship touched down. The boy could see how some people are taking the dog away from him. Their ship was similar to the ship UFO. the Boy ran after mame but it was already too late. Three days passed and for canine not a sign. Whether it naprawde was Ufo?
Zdarzyło się to w małym miesteczku. Pewnego spokojnego, letniego dnia mały chłopiec postanowił ze gdy nadejdzie noc on wraz ze swoim psem Tofikiem będzie spał w namiocie. Chłopiec przygotował wszystko. Nastała noc. Chłopiec zeznał że poszedł spać, słyszał ciągłe szczekanie psa. Nagle na jego podwórku wylądował statek kosmiczny . Chłopiec widział jak jacyś ludzie zabierają mu psa. Ich statek był podobny do statku UFO. Chłopiec pobiegł po mame ale było już za późno. Minęły trzy dni a po psie ani śladu. Czy to naprawde było Ufo?
Be careful! UFO TOOK MY DOG
Yesterday evening I walked the dog. In the park I saw light on the heaven. I was very scared. Suddenly stayed space capsule before of me. And strange monsters took my dog!!!Really! be careful!
Yesterday evening I walked the dog. In the park I saw light on the heaven. I was very scared. Suddenly stayed space capsule before of me. And strange monsters took my dog!!!Really! be careful!
My neighbour is a vampire!!!
My neighbour is vampire!! Yesterday I did disco in my home. To me went my friends. At eight o ' clock, neighbour come to me and started dance and kissed me ! My friend think I am silly and stupyed! It was HORRIBLE night!
My neighbour is vampire!! Yesterday I did disco in my home. To me went my friends. At eight o ' clock, neighbour come to me and started dance and kissed me ! My friend think I am silly and stupyed! It was HORRIBLE night!