
prosze o pomoc w przetlumaczeniu:)
tylko prosze zeby to ni byla z translatora tylko jakies logiczne zdania... :)
z gory dziekuje:)
cześć Kasiu!
co u Ciebie? dawno się nie widziałyśmy ale nie długo się spotkamy. Postanowiłam przyjechać do Ciebie do Londynu ponieważ chcę tam studiować.
Niestety moi rodzice nie cieszą się z mojego wyjazdu. Martwią się o mnie ponieważ są bardzo opiekuńczy. Boją się że sobie nie poradzę "w wielkim świecie". Ale udało mi się ich przekonać,gdy dowiedzieli się że nie będę tam sama i że jedzie większość naszych przyjaciół to bardzo się ucieszyli. Przylecę w przyszłym tygodniu, w czwartek, na lotnisku będę około 7.30 rano, mam nadzieję, że przyjedziesz. Mogłabyś pomóc mi znaleźć mieszkanie? Dowiedz się jakie są ceny mieszkań w Londynie.
Mogłabyś wytłumaczyć mi jak dojechać z lotniska do centrum?
Z góry za wszystko dziękuje.
Do zobaczenia!

całuję gorąco XYZ

Odpowiedź :

To jest to
what with you? we saw not long ago but not long meet. I decided to come to you to London because I want to study there.
Unfortunately, my parents did not enjoy my trip. They worry about me because they are very protective. They are afraid that you can not help "in the big wide world." But I managed to convince them when they learned that I'm not going there alone, and that goes most of our friends are very glad. Fly next week, on Thursday at the airport around 7.30 am, I will, I hope you come. You could help me find accommodation? Learn what are the price of housing in London.
You could explain to me how to get from the airport to the center?
With thanks in advance for everything.
See you!
Hi Kasia!
what with you? we saw not long ago but not long meet. I decided to come to you to London because I want to study there.
Unfortunately, my parents did not enjoy my trip. They worry about me because they are very protective. They are afraid that you can not help "in the big wide world." But I managed to convince them when they learned that I'm not going there alone, and that goes most of our friends are very glad. Fly next week, on Thursday at the airport around 7.30 am, I will, I hope you come. You could help me find accommodation? Learn what are the price of housing in London.
You could explain to me how to get from the airport to the center?
With thanks in advance for everything.
See you!

hot kiss XYZ
Kasia hi!
what with you? we saw not long ago but not long meet. I decided to come to you to London because I want to study there.
Unfortunately, my parents did not enjoy my trip. They worry about me because they are very protective. They are afraid that you can not help "in the big wide world." But I managed to convince them when they learned that I'm not going there alone, and that goes most of our friends are very glad. Fly next week, on Thursday at the airport around 7.30 am, I will, I hope you come. You could help me find accommodation? Learn what are the price of housing in London.
You could explain to me how to get from the airport to the center?
With thanks in advance for everything.
See you!

hot kiss XYZ