Napisz po angielsku plan dnia gdybyś był na bezludnej wyspie lub bazie na Antarktydzie lub koloni na innej planecie??? (Opis ma być szczegółowy)

Odpowiedź :

Day Schedule / Harmonogram dnia
On a deserted island / na bezludnej wyspie

8:00 am - I wake up / budzę się
8:05 am - I am doing physical exercises / gimnastykuję się(robię ćwiczenia fizyczne)
8:20 am - I brush my teeth / myję zęby
8:30 am - I eat breakfast / jem śniadanie
8:40 am - I draw on sand / rysuję na piasku
9:20 am - I am going for a walk aroung the island / idę na spacer dookoła wyspy
12:00 - I'm hunting / poluję
13:00 pm - I eat lunch / jem obiad
14:00 pm - I search for new species of animals on the island / szukam nowych gatunków zwierząt na wyspie
16:00 pm - I am going swimming / idę popływać
17:00 pm - I sing songs / śpiewam piosenki
18:00 pm - I am writing another letter to put it in to the bottle and throw it to the ocean/ piszę kolejny list aby włożyć go do butelki i wyrzucić do oceanu :)
18:30 pm - I eat dinner / jem kolację
19:20 pm - I brush my teeth / myję zęby
19:30 pm - I'm going for a night walk near my "home" / idę na nocny spacer niedaleko domu
20:30 pm - I dream that someone will rescue me / marzę że ktoś mnie uratuje ;)
21:00 pm - I'm going to sleep / idę spać

pozdrawiam :)
If I were on desert island, first what I would do every morning would be going on the beach and looking after ships that could help me get back to me home. I would probably eat some fruits, that I would firs grab from tree near to my woody house. Then I would look around the island, and look after things that could be useful in my future or something that sea trough away on sand (or someone deep-six from ship). After that, I would take a gun, and went around the island to see if there is no wild animals, that could accidental eat me. Next I would write my diary what happen and my thoughts, so if I would die before rescue, someone would know what happened to me. When the night would come, I would be sitting on the beach with fire and staring on sparkling stars. When I would feel tired I would go sleep to my house on my hammock made of old drapes and the day will be end.