Poproszę o dwa proste, krótkie dialogi w języku angielskim n/t "W biurze", na poziomie najwyżej średnio zaawansowanym. Chodzi o biuro typu: księgowość, dział ekonomiczny itp.

Odpowiedź :

- Dziędobry for you - I welcome - what I can help with - I would like to get credit - in what height - 100 thousand zlotys - well right away we will complete formalities - thanks - please about to fill up to pretend sie into the cashier's office - thanks, for the visit

- I welcome what I can help with - I would like to obtain the information about the trip to berlina - of course she costs 100 zloty too osobe for one day departure on Friday and return in sobote with evening - thanks
-Good morning.
-Welcome and what can I help you?
-I want to take credit for house.
-Wait a moment.
-Sorry, but your credit ability is insufficent.
-Ok but nothing to be possible with this?
-Unfortunately no.
-Good bye.
-Good bye.

-Welcome, I want to change 200 zlotych for pounds.
-No problem, it's 50 pounds.
-Here you are.
-Thank's, good bye.
-Good bye.