
przetłumacz na angielski
1.nie byłem w Angli od 1975 roku.
2.Pan Brown pracuje w banku od 20 lat.
3.Nie rozmawialiśmy z Johnem od poniedziałku.
4.Mary nie telefonowała od wczoraj wieczór.
5.Znam państwa Brownów od zeszłego lata.
6.Nie widzieliśmy się od lat.
7.Studenci są tu og godziny dziesiatej.

w czasie present perfect tense

Odpowiedź :

1. had Not been in England for year 1975
2. Lord Brown has worked at bank for twenty years
3. did Not speak with Johnem on Monday
4. she Mary did not ring up from yesterday evening
5. Know state Brownów from last it flies.
6. did Not see from summers sie
7. they Students have been for hour tenth here.
1. had not been in Angli for 1975 year.
2. Lord Brown has worked at bank for 20 years.
3. did Not speak with Johnem on Monday.
4. Mary did not ring up from yesterday evening.
5. Know state Brownów from last it flies.
6. did Not seeing one another from summers.
7. Students have been for hour tenth here.

1. Void in the UK since 1975.
2.Mc. Brown worked at the bank for 20 years.
3.don 't talked to John on Monday.
4.Mary not phoned since yesterday evening.
5. Member Brown last summer, I met
6. I have not seen them for years.
7.Students are here since ten o'clock.