1.Upadek muru Berlińskiego symbolizuje koniec komunizmu w Europie
2.9 Listopada 1789 roku obywatele Niemiecy zniszczyli mur Berliński
3.W 1989 roku rozpoczęły się przemiany gospodarcze i polityczne w Polsce i w innych krajach Europy
4.Trzy dni temu Niemcy i inne kraje Europy świętowali 20 rocznice obalenia muru Berlińskiego

Odpowiedź :

1. Fall of Berlinian wall symbolise in Europe the end of communism
2.9 November 1789 year citizens Niemiecy destroyed Berlinian wall
3. In 1989 year began the economic transformations and political in Poland and in different countries of Europe
4. Three days ago Germanys and different countries of Europe celebrated 20 anniversaries the overthrow of Berlinian wall
1.The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the end of communism in Europe.
2.On 9th November 1789 the German citizens have destroyed the Berlin Wall.
3.In 1989 the economic and political changes in Poland and other countries of Europe have begun.
4.Three days ago Germany and other european countries have celebrated the twentieth annivesary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

1. Fall of Berlinian wall symbolise in Europe the end of communism
2.9 November 1789 year citizens Niemiecy destroyed Berlinian wall
3. In 1989 year began the economic transformations and political in Poland and in different countries of Europe
4. Three days ago Germanys and they celebrated different countries of Europe 20 anniversaries the overthrow of Berlinian wall

chyba będzie tak :)