napisz projekt na 1 z 3 tematów:
1). Old forms of entertaintment in modern world (Stare formy rozrywki w nowoczesnym świecie)
2). Is it possible to save the world (Czy to jest możliwe uratowac świat)
3). Computers - a curse or blessing (Komputery - przekleństwo czy błogosławieństwo)

Projekt ma byc napisany wg schematu (dokładnie tak jak jest napisane), czyli:
1. strona tytułowa
2. tytuł oraz spis treści
3. streszczenie (50 słów)
4. samodzielne opracowanie wybranego zagadnienia (600 – 800 słów) samodzielne tzn. nie skopiowane z internetu metodą kopiuj wklej ani nie metoda z tego troszkę z tego troszkę, mozliwe jest parafrazowanie.
5. wybrane, wykorzystane w pracy zagadnienia gramatyczne
6. kluczowe dla tematu słownictwo – glosariusz - 50 haseł
7. bibliografia

Proszę o bardzo sumienne napisane tego poniewaz jest to bardzo wazny projekt na zaliczenie. Bardzo mi na nim zależy dlatego oferuję za jego napisanie az 120pkt. Nie chce widziec odpowiedzi typu skorzystaj z translatora albo napisz to po polsku to ci to napiszę czy inne tym podobne, poniewaz takie odpowiedzi bede natychmiast odsylac do moderatora.

Odpowiedź :

The Internet came into existence in 1969. At the beginning he was used exclusively for military purposes, but after the certain time he also became available for the ordinary men. Today the Internet is already available almost for every Pole, and the number of his supporters constantly is increasing. It is possible to exploit him to a lot of ways, some aren't imagining the life without it. It is possible so unquestionably to regard the Internet as the blessing of the 21st century.
The fact that the Internet is a remarkable treasury of information is an one among many of arguments confirming the rightness of this thesis. If only we try, we can find everything in it, from the recipe for scrambled eggs for specifications of the car. Having the Internet we can forget .. about searching the home library in quest some book. Certainly it is possible to find her in the Internet.
An also remarkable speed of the transmission of information is the fact worth the review. Many gigantic corporations have the inside net based on the structure of the Internet. The information entered into the system is immediately accessible to employees of the entire corporation located in departments a few hundred or a few thousand kilometres farther. The transmission of information is much simpler and faster, what the work in the entire corporation can run much more efficiently thanks to.
Writing not a way about the usefulness of the Internet to miss shops. There is already a plenty of shops selling their products through the Internet worldwide. Today, in order to cos to buy, there is already no need of going out. It will be sufficient to sit down comfortably in front of the computer and to place an order. The postman in a few days will knock to our door and he will give us the parcel. I think that above arguments fully are confirming the rightness of the thesis put forward by me and I managed to convince the Dear Reader that an Internet is a true blessing.