ułuż ogulne lub szczegułowe pyania w czasie past continiuoues, używając wyrazow podanych w nawiasach

1.mike: look guys i couldn*t find you at the theatre night. ...................?(where/ wou/sit)
christie: somewhere in the back row .but you were late, i suppose.
2.ROBERT: i was pretty noisy at you place last night. ..........................?
(you/have/a party)
gregore: oh i am sorry abaut that . some friends visited me.
3.mary: when i found kim, she was siting in the corner crying.
betty: oh, dear. ............?(why/she/cry)
mary: i think it was something to do with her boyfrend but she did not want to tell marks me.
4.ken : i did not quite understand marks problem!......................? (what /he/talk about)
eva:i have no idea either
5. myra:i saw a very good-looking ypung man in front the office yesterday fternoon. ..............................?(he wait for you)
helen: i am afraid not.perhaps that was one of sandras boyfrends.
6. detective:Croock Mr, .........................? (what/you/do/at2a.m last night)
Sid:ohh, i* ve a perfrctalibi if you want to know. i was at my godfathers birthday party.

prosze to jest dlamnie bardzo warzne !! :)
i jak morzecie to tłumaczeniee ;))

Odpowiedź :

1.Where were you siting? (gdzie siedziales)
2.Were you having a party? (miałes impreze)
3.Why was she crying?(czemu ona płakala)
4.What was he talking about? (o czym on mowił)
5.Was he waiting for? (na co on czekał)
6.What were you doing last night at 2 a.m? ( co robiłes wczoraj w nocy o 2)