Proszę o sprawdzenie:

Chcesz podjąć pracę podczas wakacji w Wielkiej Brytanii. Napisz podanie w odpowiedzi na ogłoszenie w którym:
- wyjaśnisz o jaką pracę się ubiegasz i gdzie znalazłeś ofertę
-przedstawisz się podając swój wiek i kwalifikacje
-wspomnisz swoje dotychczasowe doświadczenie zawodowe i zaznaczysz jakie cechy charakteru czynią Cię osobą odpowiedzialną do podjęcia pracy przedstawionej w ofercie
-informujesz że załączasz wymagane dokumenty i oczekujesz zaproszenia na rozmowę
-od 120 do 150 słów

Dear Sir

I am writing to apply for the position of economist in the bank.
I found a job in Internet .
I would like to undertake work in time of holiday.
My name is Piotr and i have 28 years.
I graduated from the Secondary school in Libiąż.
I studied at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow Faculty of Economics
I worked 3 years in Bank Pekao S.A. and 2 years in Adidas store in Chrzanow in the marketing department.
I am competent person, willing to learn new things. I am not a conflict person, easy to establish contacts with other people

Enclosed in the annex documents required by the State.
I count on your contact, and expect an invitation to talk to you.

yours sincerely

Odpowiedź :

Dear Sir OR MADAM (Nie wiesz czy kierownikiem jest mężczyzna czy kobieta)

I am writing to apply for the position of economist in the bank.
I found a job in Internet .
(I found the job through a newspaper advertisement. It was very intrested. I am intresting in it. I would like to take on a post economist at the bank)
I would like to undertake work in time of holiday. ( I would like to take this position on holiday becouse I am a student.
My name is Piotr and i have 28 years. ( I am XYZ <bądź konsekwentny jeśli się podpisujesz XYZ to tu nie możesz być Piotr> ad I am 28 years old).
I graduated from the Secondary school in Libiąż.
I studied at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow Faculty of Economics
I worked 3 years in the Bank Pekao S.A. as an economist and 2 years in Adidas store in Chrzanow in the marketing department.
I am competent person, willing to learn new things. I am not a conflict person, easy to establish contacts with other people
( I am a person who is competent, responsible. I adapt easily to new surroundings. I am leraning new things with pleasure. I am not a conflict person.

Enclosed in the annex documents required by the State.
I count on your contact, and expect an invitation to talk to you.
( The enclosed copy,which I attached, contains all demanding documents. I hope that You will call me. I wolud like you to invite me to job interview.)

yours sincerely

( Yours faithfully

Moje sugestie znajdują się w nawiasach

I found a job on the Internet

and I'm 28 years old.

I am a competent person

undertake the job

Inne Pytanie