Muszę napisać biografię Fryderyka Chopina po angielsku (60-80 słów, może być i więcej, ale nie za dużo). Bardzo proszę by zawierała głowne informacje i by była napisana łatwym językiem (klasa 1 gimnazjum). Z góry DZIEX. ;*

Odpowiedź :

Chopin was born in the village of Żelazowa Wola, in the Duchy of Warsaw, to a French-expatriate father and Polish mother and was regarded as a child-prodigy pianist. On 2 November 1830, at the age of twenty, he left Warsaw for Austria, intending to go on to Italy. The outbreak of the Polish November Uprising seven days later, and its subsequent suppression by Russia, led to Chopin's becoming one of many ekspatriant of the Polish Great Emigration.
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (born February 22 or March 1, 1810 in Zelazowa Wola, died. October 17, 1849 in Paris) - Polish composer and pianist.

The representative of the Romantic period of music. Sometimes called the poet of the piano. At the root of his work lay great artistic sensitivity and ability to draw patterns of Polish folk music.
His friend and companion of life was a writer George Sand.

Na polski to znaczy jakby cię ktoś tego zapytał to znaczy:
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (ur. 22 lutego lub 1 marca 1810 w Żelazowej Woli, zm. 17 października 1849 w Paryżu) – polski kompozytor i pianista.

Przedstawiciel muzyki okresu romantyzmu. Nazywany bywa poetą fortepianu. U źródeł jego twórczości leżała wielka wrażliwość artystyczna oraz umiejętność czerpania wzorców z polskiej muzyki ludowej.

Jego przyjaciółką i towarzyszką życia była pisarka George Sand.

Chopin's Childhood

Chopin was born (according to legend, the game his father, Nicholas, on violin) in one of the manor houses of Count Frederick Skarbek, (his godfather), in which lived the family of Nicholas and Justine. At baptism he was given the names of Frederick Francis (in honor of her godfather and grandfather probably - François). As date of birth in the book of baptisms in the parish church in Brochowo is given 22 February. However, this is probably an error of the organist, whose powers were to include issues of documentation (perhaps only a few weeks after birth, reported that in fact the priest). Frederick and his family, as always given the correct date of March 1. Although the parish register has not been in those days (and is not) the act of birth, the dispute which exists until today. But there is no reason to give priority to any of the dates. Year of birth artist, for which confidence is absolute, not to mention a few situations in which the family has added him to one year (this information appears in the press or public appearances Frederick), is 1810.
Tłumaczenie na polski:
Dzieciństwo Chopina

Chopin urodził się (wedle legendy przy grze jego ojca, Mikołaja, na skrzypcach) w jednej z dworskich oficyn hrabiego Fryderyka Skarbka (jego ojca chrzestnego), w której mieszkała rodzina Mikołaja i Justyny. Na chrzcie nadano mu imiona Fryderyk Franciszek (na cześć ojca chrzestnego i zapewne dziadka – François). Jako data urodzenia w księdze chrztów w kościele parafialnym w Brochowie podawany jest 22 lutego. Niemniej jednak jest to prawdopodobnie błąd organisty, do którego kompetencji należały m.in. kwestie prowadzenia dokumentacji (być może dopiero kilka tygodni po urodzeniu dziecka zgłoszono ów fakt u księdza). Fryderyk, jak i jego rodzina, za poprawną datę zawsze podawali 1 marca. Mimo, że rejestr parafii nie był w owych czasach (jak i nie jest obecnie) aktem urodzenia, spór co do dnia istnieje do dzisiaj. Nie ma jednak powodu by dawać którejkolwiek z dat pierwszeństwo. Rokiem urodzenia artysty, co do którego pewność jest całkowita, nie licząc kilku sytuacji, przy których rodzina dodawała mu jeden rok życia (dotyczyło to pojawienia się informacji w prasie lub występów publicznych Fryderyka), jest 1810.
Fryderyk Chopin was a Polish composer and pianist. He was born on the 1st March 1810 in village Żelazowa Wola some kilometers west of Warsaw. Fryderyk's parents were Mikołaj and Justyna.
Chopin's father played the flute and violin and his mother played the piano.
When Fryderyk was 7 months old the family moved to Warsaw.

As a child he was very intelligent and talented.
Chopin's first professional piano tutor was Wojciech Żywny. When Fryderyk was 7 year old he was so good that he began playing public concerts and also composed two Polonaises, in G minor and B-flat major.
In 1829 he finished his studies and year later leaved Poland. As pianist and composer he was well known in ther countries. During years 1835-1846 he stopped playing concerts and was only composing new music. He was in contact with polish intelligence, artists and poets such as Adam Mickiewicz, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Cyprian Kamil Norwid.
In his last years of life Fryderyk was very sick.
He died a few minutes before two o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, 17 October 1849 in his apartment in Place Vendôme.
His last wish was taking his heart back to Poland and so it happened. His heart was taken by his sister to Holy Cross Church on Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw.