
napisz dialog z dwoma osobami po angie lesku
wzór: czesc-czesc-czy mogłabym przeprowadzic z tobą wywiad? -tak- a wiec zaczynajmy- jaki jest twój ulubiony kolor- co robisz w wolnym czasie-itd

Odpowiedź :

-Can I carry interview with you ?
-Yes, of course.
-So, we begin. What is your favourite color ?
-My favourite color is blue.
-What are you most eager do in free time ?
-I'm watching TV and surf the net.
-What is youre favourite dish ?
-My favourite dish are a chips and chicken.
-Who is your favourite singer ?
-My favourite singer is Britney Spears.
-What is your favourite film ?
-My favourite film is a `Ring`.
-What is your favourite season of teh year ?
-My favourite season of teh year is spring.
-What is your favourite day of the week ?
-My favourite day of the week is monday.
-Thank you for giving of interview.
-Does not have for that.
-Hi Mike!
-Can I ask you a few questions?
-Yes, sure.
-Ok, so... What's your favourite animal?
-Hmmm, it's dog.
-Do you have a dog?
-Yes, i have two dogs.
-What are you doing in your free time?
-I'm listen to music, and play computer games.
-What genre of music you're listening?
-I'm listen to Rock and Pop Punk
-What is your favourite sport?
-It's football.
-What is your favourite football club?
-It's Manchester United.
-And what is your favourite football player?
-It's Cristiano Ronaldo.
-Ok, it was the last question. Thank you.
-Your welcome, bye.