
1. Ile miałaś lat, kiedy poszłaś do szkoły teatralnej?
2. Jak często musisz ćwiczyć śpiew i taniec?
3. Czy miałeś szczęśliwe dzieciństwo?
4. Ile czasu zajmie ta ankieta?
5. W Pekinie jest dziewięć milionów rowerów.
6. Kto tu potrzebuje pomocy?
7. Zdałem egzamin na prawo jazdy za pierwszym razem!
8. We wrześniu mam egzamin poprawkowy z filozofii.
9. Uczęszczam na wszystkie ćwiczenia oraz na niektóre wykłady.
10. Nie przeszkadzaj mi! Nie widzisz, że się uczę!
11. W weekendy uczę dziadka korzystać z internetu. Robi duże postepy.
12.Czy masz ochotę na herbatę?

Odpowiedź :

1. how many you've had years when you walked into drama school?
2. How often do you have to practice singing and dancing?
3. Did you have a happy childhood?
4. How long will this questionnaire?
5. In Beijing are nine million bicycles.
6. Who here needs help?
7. I passed the driving test for the first time!
8. In September, I have an makeup exam in the philosophy.
9. ----------------------------------------------
10. Do not disturb me! Do not you see that I learn!
11. At weekends, I teach my grandfather use the internet. he does good progress.
12. Do you feel like tea?
1. How old were you when you went to the drama school?
2. How often do you have to practise singing and dancing?
3. Did you have a happy childhood?
4. How long will this survey take?
5. There are 9 million bikes in Beijing.
6. Who needs help here?
7. I passed my driving exam at a first go.
8. I am retaking my exam in September.
9. I attend all practical classes and some lectures.
10. Don't disturb me! Can't you see i'm studying?
11. At weekends i teach my granddad how to use the net. He is making a great progress.
12. Do you feel like cup of tea?
Wydaje mi się że to poprawnie będzie tak:
1. How old were you when you went to the drama school ?
2. How often do you have to practise singing and dancing ?
3. Did you have a happy childhood ?
4. How long will this survey take ?
5. There are 9 million bikes in Beijing.
6. Who needs help here ?
7. I passed my driving exam at a first go.
8. I am retaking my exam in September.
9. I attend all practical classes and some lectures.
10. Don't disturb me! Can't you see i'm studying ?
11. At weekends i teach my granddad how to use the net. He is making a great progress .
12. Do you feel like cup of tea ?