
Prosze o przetlumaczenie:
Zyje w piecio osobowej rodzine. Moja mama ma 48 lat i jest nauczycielem. Moj tata ma 50 lat i tez jest nauczycielem. Mam dwoch starszych braci. Jeden ma 20 a drugi 24 lata. Mam 3 wujków i 3 ciocie oraz 2 kuzynow i kuzynke.

Odpowiedź :

Living in five-passenger family. My mother is 48 years and is a teacher. My dad is 50 years old and also a teacher. I have two older brothers. One is 20 and the second 24 years. I have 3 aunts and 3 uncles and 2 cousins and my cousin.
Zyje w piecio osobowej rodzine. Moja mama ma 48 lat i jest nauczycielem. Moj tata ma 50 lat i tez jest nauczycielem. Mam dwoch starszych braci. Jeden ma 20 a drugi 24 lata. Mam 3 wujków i 3 ciocie oraz 2 kuzynow i kuzynke.

In my family is five people. My mom is 48. She's teacher. My father is 50 and he is teacher, too. I have two brothers. They are oder than me. The first brother has 20 and second brother has 24. I have three uncles and three aunts. I have three cousins
I lives in fivethy personal rodzine. My mum has 48 years and he is a teacher. My Dad has 50 years and theses is a teacher. I have two elder brothers. One has 20 and second 24 years old. I have 3 uncles and 3 aunties and 2 cousins and the cousin.