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Archipelag sześciu Wysp Jońskich wraz z wysepkami satelitarnymi przy zachodnich brzegach Grecji to teren gdzie geograficznie i kulturowo krzyżują się wpływy Grecji i Włoch. Jest jedną z pierwszych wysp greckich udostępnionych turystą. Wyspa jednak jest na tyle duża że zachowała nieco swych dawnych uroków, jest najbardziej malownicza w całym archipelagu. W części wyspy Zakinthos, gdzie tak jak na Kerkirze są najlepsze plaże, podjęto kroki w rozwoju turystyki. Na innych wyspach tempo i skala rozwoju są jednak bardzo niewielnie. Na małą wyspę Paksi trudno się dostać, a zasoby wodne są zbyt małe, by zbudować duży hotel. Natomiast na Lefkadzie, połączonej ze stałym lądem za pomocą wiaduktu i mostu pontonowego, do tej pory istnieją tylko brzydkie, bezładnie budowane miasteczka. Dwie wyspy, które najłatwiej zwiedzić przy tej samej okazji to Kefalonia i Itaka. Na Kefalonii są nawet "prawdziwe" miasta i w dużej mierze jest ona niezależna od turystyki. Natomiast skalistą Itakę Odyseusza uratował brak plaż.

Odpowiedź :

The archipelago of six Ionic Islands along with with satellite islets at west banks of Greece is the ground where geographically and culturally cross influence of Greeces and Italy. Is one of first Greek islands thrown open a tourist. The island is however on so much large that she kept a little its own former charms, is most picturesque in the all archipelago. Partly of the island Zakinthos, where so as on Kerkirze are best beaches, one took measures in the development of the tourism. On other islands the tempo and the scale of the development are however very not large. On the small island Paksi with difficulty to get, and water resources are too small, to build the large hotel. Instead on Lefkadzie, joint with the mainland by means of the viaduct and the pontoon bridge, yet exist only ugly, in disorderly fashion built country towns. Two islands which most easily to tour at the same opportunity then Kefalonia and Ithaca. On Kefalonii are even "true" cities and in the large measure she is independent from the tourism. Instead rocky Ithaca of Odysseus saved the lack of beaches.
Archipelago six island it along with satellite traffic islands at western coasts of greece field Jońskich where geographically and influences of (incomes of) greece are crossed culturally and italian (italy). There is one of first greek island rendered accessible tourist. However, island is big on so many (so much) < rear > that somewhat it has maintained old attractions, it is most picturesque in whole archipelago. In (to) part of island Zakinthos, where fairest beaches are on so as Kerkirze, it take steps in development of (evolution of) tourism. Rate on other islands and however, they are scale of development (evolution) very niewielnie. Obtain (get) on small island hard Paksi, but water stocks are far too < market > small, in order to build big hotel. However, on Lefkadzie, from constant (solid) by land behind assistance of overpass jointed and ponton bridge, till now ugly exist only, built villages disorderly. Two islands, tour it at same opening which (who) most simply (most easy) Kefalonia and Itaka. There is on even " genuine " city Kefalonii and she (it) is independent on tourism in big measure. However, lack of beach has saved rocky Itakę Odyseusza.
Archipelago six island it along with satellite traffic islands at western coasts of greece field Jońskich where geographically and influences of greece are crossed culturally and italian .There is one of first greek island rendered accessible tourist. However, island is big on so many that somewhat it has maintained old attractions, there is most.

jak bd źle to sorki ale powinno byc dobrze xd