opisać swój pokój ok. 10 zdań

Odpowiedź :

I very like my room. In my room is a desk, a chair, a bed, and many other things. Walls in my room are in yellow color. My bed is opposite the window. Desk is next to the bed. In my room are lot of pictures. My room isn't big, but it isn't small too. I like reading and I have a bookcase. I have many books there. There is also a computer.
mój pokój jest duży i bardzo ładny. w nim mam duże łóżko. pod oknem mam biurko.w nim stoi też ogromna szafa.w rogu jest komputer. po środku pokoju leży dywan.w drugim rogu jest buda dla psa.
obok budy jest klatka z kanarkiem. na oknie jest powieszona figurka. koło szafek stoi malutki stolik. na ścianie obok drzwi wisi lustro.

po angielsku:
My chamber (peace) is big and very pretty (beautiful). Big bed beguile in it. Under window mum < beguile > < have > biurko.w before < he (its; his; it) > < it > computer stands be huge too corner szafa.w. Box lies be after center of (means of) chamber (peace) for dog second (other) corner dywan.w. Cage is beside box with (from) kanarkiem. Figurine is hung on window. Circle of case stands tiny stolik. Mirror hangs on wall beside doors.