Bardzo proszę o krótkie opisanie 4 miast (3,4 zdania każde miasto). Opis musi zawierać : lokalizację miasta, atrakcje, i co można tam robić lub zwiedzać. Miasta: Kraków, Wrocław, Paryż, Anglia.

Odpowiedź :

KRAKÓW-Krakow is the capital city, a great scientific and cultural center. In Krakow, there are 12 universities, among them the oldest in Poland, Jagiellonian University, 6 theaters, an opera, a philharmonic hall and 21 museums. There is the largest and most valuable team in the countrys historic buildings, mostly gothic, secular and sacred.Krakow is a large industrial center. There is a metallurgical combine in Nowa Huta, the second largest industrial plant in the country. In the eighth or ninth in the trading village at the foot of the Wawel castle. From 1000 the seat of the bishopric, from the reign of Casimir the Restorer (ca. 1038) by the end of the sixteenth in the capital of the state. In the 1257 municipal law, from 1320 place the coronation of kings.In the XIV-XVI, the largest city flourished economically and culturally (1364 establishment of the university). After the Second Partition (1793) attached to Austria, from 1809 within the limits of the Duchy of Warsaw.

WROCŁAW-Wroclaw is the historical capital of Silesia, one of the largest and oldest cities in Poland, situated on both sides of the middle Oder River, in the Silesian Lowland. Flows through the city 5 major rivers: Odra, and 4 of its tributaries, which supply it within the city limits: Bistrita, Olawa, Sleza and Widawa. Wroclaw is the capital of Lower Silesia province, city districts - Wroclaw district Grodzki. Before World War II in the city, there were 303 bridges, out of about 220 left.In the early postwar years under the slogan the whole of Poland rebuilds capitalquot has become - like the other cities reclaimed land - the place of plunder is organized by state. Everything that could be exported - a work of art, and even the bricks, sheet metal roofing tiles were taken to Warsaw.

PARYŻ-The capital of France is one of the most beautiful cities on earth. It is said of him - a city of lovers - and something that actually is, because anyone who comes to Paris to give an unusual, romantic atmosphere of Paris. Beautiful architecture, lovely boulevard on the Seine, a large number of museums, galleries and various cultural institutions - all give the city a unique atmosphere. Paris is not only one of the most important centers of art and culture on the continent.Is primarily the French capital and seat of the most important state institutions. Constitutes a political and economic center of France.

ANGLIA-England, unlike other countries, Britain does not have its own parliament and remains under the jurisdiction of the British parliament. In this way, the deputies coming from outside the UK can influence the internal affairs of that country. England is divided into 9 administrative units (regions). Outside London, which has elected mayor (Mayor) and assembly (London Assembly), the regions do not have a government elected in direct elections.England is a land of history, which includes the United Kingdom. Commonly properly almost always England and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are used as synonyms. England, whose capital is London, is bordered to the north of Scotland, to the west - with Wales, its territory is south-eastern part of the island. Continental Europe is divided from England, English Channel and North Sea.