proszę o przetłumaczenie na Angielski ale proszę nie rzucać tego na translator to jest dla mnei bardzo ważne ;(

Na wstępnie mojego listu chciałam Cię pozdrowić i przeprosić że się nie odzywałam. Jak Ci minęły wakacje? Mi bardzo fajnie i chciałam Ci je opisać.
Wakacje Spędziłam w bardzo miłym gronie u brata we Włoszech. Tam opiekowałam się jego synkiem nazywa sie Szymek. Jego dom był bardzo blisko Morza wiec na plaże chodziłam codziennie i przy okazji się bardzo opaliłam. Pogoda cały czas dopisywała. Gdy brat z żona wracał do domu to zabierali mnie w różne ciekawe miejsca byłam z nimi w zoo, wesołym miasteczku a także w Rzymie na placu świętego Piotra i widziałam z okna papieża. Jeździliśmy dużo po sklepach bardzo szybko zleciały mi tam wakacje . Nie mogę doczekać się aż się spotkamy i opowiem Ci. Mam nadzieję ze Ty także spędziłaś wakacje w miłym gronie z przyjaciółmi lub z rodziną

Na końcu chcę Cię pozdrowić i zaprosić do siebie mam nadzieje ze przyjedziesz. Pozdrów całą swoja rodzinę

Odpowiedź :

To start with, I would like to send you greetings and at the same time I must say sorry because I haven't spoken with you for ages. How about holidays, did you have a good time ? My holidays were wonderful and I'd like to tell you something about it.
I spent my holidays in a very nice company, at my brother's place in Italy. I was babysitting his son, who's called Szymek. His house is situated near the sea so everyday I spent some time on the beach, I was sunbathing a lot. The weather was very good all the time. When my brother and his wife came back home they always took me to see some interestings places like zoo, theme park, we also visited Rome, I saw the Pope looking through his window when we went at the saint's Peter square. We were shopping a lot, the time passed really quick. I can't wait to see you and tell you everything in details. I hope you also had wonderful holidays in a great company of friends or your family.

Finishing this letter I would like to send you some greeting and I would love to invite you here, I hope you will come. Greeting to all your family.

At the begining of my leter i want to greet and sory that i don't speak. How was your holidays? My was very funny and i want to describe it. My holidays i spend in very nice circle of my brother in italy. There i look after son his name was SZymek. His home was very nigh to sea side so on beach i went everyday. The weather all time was good. when my brother with wife came back to home they took out me in difrence places. i was in mini zoo , in carnival and in holy piotr's circle in romeand i saw pope form window. We were in a lot of shops and i very quickly passed holidays. I can't wait to see you and tell you everything in details. I hope you also had wonderful holidays in a great company of friends or your family.

Finishing this letter I would like to send you some greeting and I would love to invite you here, I hope you will come. Greeting to all your family.

No to na tyle
At the begining of my leter i want to greet and sory that i don't speak. How was your holidays? My was very funny and i want to describe it. My holidays i spend in very nice circle of my brother in italy. There i look after son his name was SZymek. His home was very nigh to sea side so on beach i went everyday. The weather all time was good. when my brother with wife came back to home they took out me in difrence places. i was in mini zoo , in carnival and in holy piotr's circle in romeand i saw pope form window. We were in a lot of shops and i very quickly passed holidays. I can't wait to see you and tell you everything in details. I hope you also had wonderful holidays in a great company of friends or your family.

Finishing this letter I would like to send you some greeting and I would love to invite you here, I hope you will come. Greeting to all your family.