a christmas carol (Reading and writing) 1)wstawić brakujące słowka( belive, eyes, friends, ghots, having, money, shouted, shivered, talking, wearing)
IT was the Day before christmas and everyone was hard at work at the office of ebenzem scrooge. scrooge was a cold hard man who had no 1(......) he only who thought about one think money.
happy christmas mr scrooge said bob who also worked in the office. i dont 2(....) in christmas. there are lots of poor people of london this christmas can you give us some 3(...) for them.
in the middle of the night he heard a noise and opened his4(....)he couldnt belive what he saw.everyone was happy and scrooge wanted to stay. but the ghost took his hand and suddenly scrooge was 7(....) to him you dont love me.
the next night another ghost visited scrooge he was the ghost christmas present and the was 8(...) a green coat. he took scrooge and at his nephew freds house everyone was9(...) fun.
it that me? scrooge asked the ghost said yes and help5(...) wht do you want. scrooge waited in his cold bed and 6(...) then he heard a noise and then dissappeard. he gave lots of money to the poor and paid the workers in this office more money he was new man. and all because of the10(...) scrooge thought.
2) prawda czy nieprawda popraw zdania fałszywe
1) no one was working in scrooges office
2) bob cratchit was scrooges nephew
3) when scrooge woke up he saw two men in his bedroom
4) you shouldnt change your life the first ghost said.
5) three ghost visided scrooge
6) you only love my money the beatiful young woman was saying
7) at the end of the story scrooge was happy.

Odpowiedź :

1)false - in the srooges offices was working Bob
3)false - he saw one ghost
4)false - ghost said that he should change his life

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