Napisz list nieformalny do swojej angielskiej koleżanki który opisuje co się ostatnio zmieniło w moim życiu, pochwalę się że mam nowego chłopaka, opiszę go, co robimy w czasie wolnym, co planuje robić w ten weekend oraz wyrażę nadzieje na szybkie spotkanie.
Ten list ma zawierać 120 słów..

Odpowiedź :

Hi Lisa!
How are you? Thanks for your last letter - I read it with smile on my face : )
Much time has passed since our last meeting. Many things have changed. First of all I have a new boyfriend... His name is Patrick and he really awesome guy! He is 18. I am a bit younger but it is not a problem for us. We have very similar hobbies, listen to the same music, like identical films... It is just great! We are going to go to camping on next Friday. I am so exciting... I think (hope so) it's gonna be a fantastic day! I will write you how was there as soon as I get home. I promise!
You wrote me that you will be in Poland on this weekend. Please visit me on Sunday. I will wait for you.
Love, Anne