Odpowiedź :
present simple
twierdzące :
1. Robert looks for things under the sea.
2. She uses a samll submarine.
3. He has a great ambition.
4. Mark likes listening to music and playing.
5. He plays football most evenings.
przeczące :
1. She doesn't like Marta.
2. He doesn't studing tomorrow.
3. Maja hasn't got any friends.
4. Eryk hasn't got bik.
5. Ewa hasn't like Marta, becouse Marta hasn't like Iga.
present continuous
twier :
1. Paulina is studying for next lesson.
2. Ewa is writing an e-mail.
3. Ola is training really hard.
przeczące :
1. Marta isn't spending holidays in Poland.
2. Tomek isn't teaching Jola.
3. Books aren't dancing.
pyt :
Is Ola having dinner?
Are Marek & Jola going to the cinema?
Is Hanka playing computer games?
Myślę, że zdania się nie powtarzają, pozdrawiam :)
twierdzące :
1. Robert looks for things under the sea.
2. She uses a samll submarine.
3. He has a great ambition.
4. Mark likes listening to music and playing.
5. He plays football most evenings.
przeczące :
1. She doesn't like Marta.
2. He doesn't studing tomorrow.
3. Maja hasn't got any friends.
4. Eryk hasn't got bik.
5. Ewa hasn't like Marta, becouse Marta hasn't like Iga.
present continuous
twier :
1. Paulina is studying for next lesson.
2. Ewa is writing an e-mail.
3. Ola is training really hard.
przeczące :
1. Marta isn't spending holidays in Poland.
2. Tomek isn't teaching Jola.
3. Books aren't dancing.
pyt :
Is Ola having dinner?
Are Marek & Jola going to the cinema?
Is Hanka playing computer games?
Myślę, że zdania się nie powtarzają, pozdrawiam :)
Present simple
1.I always wake up before 7 o'clock.-Zawsze budzę się przed siódmą.
2.They seldom go to work by bus.Oni rzadko jeżdżą do pracy autobusem
3.John never drinks alcohol.John nigdy nie pije alkoholu.
4.Tom lives in New York.Tom mieszka w Nowym Jorku.
5.Earth goes around the Sun.
1.She doesn't love him.Ona go nie kocha.
2.Mike doesn't read books very often.Mike nie czyta książek za często.
3.I don't go to work on Sundays.Nie chodzę do pracy w niedziele.
4.We usually don't sing in the middle of the street.Zwykle nie śpiewamy na środku ulicy.
5.She doesn't go to the museum.-Ona nie chodzi do muzeum.
Present Continouns
1.You are reading a book.Ty czytasz książkę
2.I am taking my bag.Zabieram swoją torbę.
3.We are doing our homework.Robimy (odrabiamy) zadanie domowe
1.Mary isn't having breakfast.Mary nie je śniadania
2.We aren't waiting for my uncle.Nie czekamy na mojego wujka
3.He isn't looking at the stars.On nie patrzy w gwiazdy.
1.I always wake up before 7 o'clock.-Zawsze budzę się przed siódmą.
2.They seldom go to work by bus.Oni rzadko jeżdżą do pracy autobusem
3.John never drinks alcohol.John nigdy nie pije alkoholu.
4.Tom lives in New York.Tom mieszka w Nowym Jorku.
5.Earth goes around the Sun.
1.She doesn't love him.Ona go nie kocha.
2.Mike doesn't read books very often.Mike nie czyta książek za często.
3.I don't go to work on Sundays.Nie chodzę do pracy w niedziele.
4.We usually don't sing in the middle of the street.Zwykle nie śpiewamy na środku ulicy.
5.She doesn't go to the museum.-Ona nie chodzi do muzeum.
Present Continouns
1.You are reading a book.Ty czytasz książkę
2.I am taking my bag.Zabieram swoją torbę.
3.We are doing our homework.Robimy (odrabiamy) zadanie domowe
1.Mary isn't having breakfast.Mary nie je śniadania
2.We aren't waiting for my uncle.Nie czekamy na mojego wujka
3.He isn't looking at the stars.On nie patrzy w gwiazdy.
Simpe Present
Zdania twierdzące:
1. I live in small town near Warsaw.
2. I have two brothers and one sister.
3. I hardly ever eat pizza.
4. I love Maths.
5. My sister always use her mobile after school.
Zdania przeczące:
1. I don't talk with Mathew.
2. I dont meet Christie.
3. Mark isn't my boyfriend.
4. My parents doesn't work very hard.
5. She doesn't eat fast food.
Present Continous
Zdania twierdzące:
1. We are walking around the busy street.
2. My father is working at home.
3. Mark is having a dinner.
Zdania przeczące:
1. I'm not reading the book.
2. We aren't riding horses.
3. My father isn't cooking.
Zdania pytające:
1. Are you talking to me?
2. Is he doing his homework?
3. Are my parents driving to my school?
Zdania twierdzące:
1. I live in small town near Warsaw.
2. I have two brothers and one sister.
3. I hardly ever eat pizza.
4. I love Maths.
5. My sister always use her mobile after school.
Zdania przeczące:
1. I don't talk with Mathew.
2. I dont meet Christie.
3. Mark isn't my boyfriend.
4. My parents doesn't work very hard.
5. She doesn't eat fast food.
Present Continous
Zdania twierdzące:
1. We are walking around the busy street.
2. My father is working at home.
3. Mark is having a dinner.
Zdania przeczące:
1. I'm not reading the book.
2. We aren't riding horses.
3. My father isn't cooking.
Zdania pytające:
1. Are you talking to me?
2. Is he doing his homework?
3. Are my parents driving to my school?