Proszę o przetłumaczenie tego wypracowania:
Nazywam się Agnieszka K******k.Mam 13 lat.Pochodzę z Polski,mieszkam w (tutaj wstawię sama swoją miejscowość).Mam dużo przyjaciół,którym mogę zaufać i się wyżalić.W wolnym czasie gram na komputerze,bawię się z chomikiem który nazywa się Tuptuś.Bardzo lubię swoją nową szkołę,poznałam w niej dużo fajnych osób.Moje ulubione kolory to czerwony,niebieski,zielony,
szary i czarny.Często jeżdżę do mojej babci,która ma kota i psa są bardzo śmieszni i lubię się z nimi bawić.W te wakacje byłam w Anglii u siostry,było świetnie.W przyszłości chciałabym polecieć do Ameryki,jest to moim marzeniem.Do szkoły chodzę z chęcią,lubię takie przedmioty jak Chemia,Historia i Polski.Pozdrawiam Agnieszka
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Odpowiedź :

My name is Agnieszka k ****** k I am 13 years old. I come from Polish, I live in XXXX. I have many friends who I can trust. In his spare
During play on the computer, play with the hamster, which is called TUPTUŚ. I really like his new school, I met her in a lot of cool people. My favorite colors are red, blue, green,
gray and black. Often I go to my grandmother, who has a cat and a dog. They are very funny and I like to play with them. This summer I was in England with his sister, it was great. In the future,
I would like to fly to America, it is my dream. We are happy to go to school. I like subjects such as chemistry, history and language of Polish. God bless you! Agnieszka
My name is Agnieszka K. I have 13 years old. I come from Poland. I live in [miejscowosc] I have lot of friend which i can trust and say all my problems. In my free time i play computer games, play with my hamster which name is Tuptus. I like my new school very much,i met there lot of cool people. My favourite colour are red, blue green, grey and black. I ofen go to my grandmather who has cat and dog and they are very funny and i like playing with them. In yhis year holiday i was in England. I visited my sister there and it was great! In fitire i want fly to America. This is my dream. I go to school with pleasure I like subjects like Sciencist, Hisotry and Polish
greetings Love Agnieszka

z racji tego ze tekst jest beznadziejnie napisany po polsku, nie jest on przetlumaczony doslownie lecz sens kazdego zdania jest taki sam ;)
My name is Agnes K ****** k.I 13 years old.I from Poland, I live in [].I have a lot of friends, I which can trust and to complain.I in free time play on computer, I play with hamster which Tuptuś be calls.I like my new school very, I got to know in her a lot of nice persons.My favourite colours this red,blue,green,
grey and black.I go to the my grandmother who has cat often and they are dog very funny and I like each other with them entertaining.In these holidays I was in England at sister, it was great.I in future would like to fly to America, this is my dream.I lke go to school walk with desire, I like Chemistry,History and Poland.I greet Agnes