mój pokój jest niewielki, ale bardzo przytulny. jest w kolorze niebieskim. gdy wchodze do pokoju stoi łóżko obok niego stoi szawka, a na niej lampka.pod lustrem znajduje się szawka. pod szafą stoi narożne biórko na którym znajduje się komputer i reszta drobiazgów. niedaleko stoi niewielka komoda, a na komodzie stoi plazma. bardzo bym chciała mieć taki pokój.
Proszę o przetłumaczenie po angielsku ; D

Odpowiedź :

My room is small but very cozy. Color is blue. Into the room where the bed stands beside him stands cupboard and it is glassful .Under mirror is cupboard. the cabinet is desk corner where there is a computer and the rest of the novelties. standing near a small chest of drawers and the chest is plasma. I wanted to have a such a room.
My room is small, but very cosy. It's blue. When I come in to my room, there is a bed , next to the bed there is a cabinet. At this cabinet there is a lamp. Under the mirror there is a cabinet. Under my wardrobe is my desk. On this desk lay my computer and lots of trifles. There is small chest of drawers nearly my desk, and on this chest of drawers is my TV set. I dream about room like this.
My room is small but very cozy. color is blue. into the room where the bed stands beside him stands shelf, and it is lamp.under mirror is shelf the cabinet is desk corner where there is a computer and the rest of the novelties. standing near a small chest of drawers and the chest is plasma. I wanted to have a such a room.