
przetłumacz na j.angielski:
1.w tej sali są dwie sypialnie. ścianie są trzy zdjęcia.
3.w łazience są brudne ręczniki.
4.w koszyku jest kilka jabłek. półce jest para angielskich książek.
6.w tym parku jest kilka ładnych drzew.
7.w skrzynce jest kilka ulotek.
8.w moim wypracowaniu jest kilka błędów.
9.w piórniku jest kilka połamanych kredek.
10.w naszym mieście jest wielu bezrobotnych ludzi. dachu jest dużo ptaków.

Odpowiedź :

1In this hall are two bedrooms.
2.on wall are three photos.
3.In the bathroom are dirty towels.
4.In the basket is a few apples.
5.on shelf is a pair of English books.
6.If the park are several nice trees.
7.In mailbox is a few leaflets.
8. I develop a number of errors.
9.In pen boxis a few broken crayons. our city there are many unemployed people.
12.On a roof is a lot of birds.
1. there are two bedrooms in this room.
2. In for wall there are three photographs.
3. In bathroom there are dirty towels.
4. In basket there are a few apples.
5. On the shelf is feeling pair of English books.
6. In this park there are a few pretty trees.
7. In the box is feeling a few leaflets. with my
8. In the essay is feeling a few mistakes.
9. In pencil box there are a few coloured pencils broken up. with our
10. In knead there are many unemployed people
12. On of the roof many birds are
1.There are two bedrooms in this room.
2.There are three photographs on the wall.
3.There are dirty tovels in the bathroom.
4.There are a few apples in the basket.
5.There is a pair of English books on the shelf.
6.There are a few pretty trees in this park.
7.There are a few leaflets in the box.
8.There are a few mistakes in my essay.
9.There are a few coloured pencils broken up in the pencil box.
10.There are many unemployed people in our city.
11.There are many birds on the roof.