- w opisie muszę się znaleźć takie inf. jak (miejsce, klasa, nauczyciele, tematy zajęć oraz obowiązki szkolne)

- strona A5

Z góry dzięki za odp :) DAM NAJ......

Odpowiedź :

Ideal school this such which has high level . Solid persons walk to her and mannered . I am the ideal school this such which in centre of city . She if would the best was in Poland . Class to which I was would walk harmonious , responsible and arising with one's duties . Teachers should be the mile , miejący the feeling of humour and they first of all should be very wise . History of my state , surrounding me nature should be with the most important subjects of occupations and many different equally the ciekwych of occupations. Pupils powini carries uniforms , to alter footwear and to does not use in time of lesson cellular telephones .

Sorki że tak krótko ale nie mogłam nic innego wymyśleć .