moze mi ktoś napisać to po angielsku???
"To był okropny dzień. Rano zaspałam i prawie spóźniłam sie na autobus. W drodze do szkoły omal nie wpadłam pod samochód. Na pierwszej lekcji nauczyciel wywołał mnie do odpowiedzi, a ja nie byłam przygotowana i dostałam jedynke. Po szkole zobaczyłam jak mój chłopak przytula inną dziewczynę. Szybko poszłam do domu. Tam nakrzyczała na mnie mama za to że kilka dni wcześniej uciekłam z kilku lekcji. wysłuchałam tego, a potem zamknełam sie w swoim pokoju i chciałam aby ten dzień sie juz skończył."
może byc trochę inaczej aby tylko sens był zachowany.

Odpowiedź :

There was terrible day. Early morning and I have been late on bus almost . I has not ran into school in way under car almost. Teacher has evoked me on first lesson for answer, but I was not prepared I and I have obtained one. I have seen as my boy hug after school other girl. I have gone for house fastly. There mum on I for it nakrzyczała that I have run away with several lessons several days earlier. I have heard it, then in chamber and I wanted in order to this day has completed sie . Otherwise, it can " a bit in order to meaning was maintained only.

Ale pewna co do tego nie jestem.
"It was a horrible day. In the morning I overslept and almost missed the bus. On the way to school almost fell into the car. The first lesson the teacher called me to answer, and I was not prepared and got a one. After school I saw how my boyfriend hugs another girl. Quickly I went to the house. He shouted at me, my mother is that for a few days previously escaped from several lessons. I have listened to it, and then locked herself in her room and wanted to make this day is now over. "