Proszę o pomoc, zadanie jest trudne dlatego też dużo punktów do zdobycia.

Trzeba wybrać słówka z podanych i wstawić do zdań

autocratic / empowering / democratic / indecisive / irresponsible / competent / intimidating / assertive / mediator / charisma / committed / feedback / staff turnover / communicative / focused / imaginative / unstable / impatient / dress code / misunderstanding / reserved / masculinity / femininity / bow / corporate hospitability / team spirit / ruthless

1. A --- system or organization allows everyone to be treated equally and to be involved in making decisions.

2. An --- way of management is giving a group of people more freedom or rights.

3. This company has a high --- that is the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new people.

4. A --- person is able to do something well.

5. A --- a person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides to talk about and agree on a solution.

6. A --- approach gives a lot of attention, time, effort, etc. to one particular area of a business, and knowing exactly what you want to achieve.

7. --- is a feeling of belonging together that the members of a group have towards others in the group.

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