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Enough Room island
Look at the photo. At first sight, it seems as if it is
a flooded area. Maybe somebody inside who
needs help? Luckily, that is not true. It is Hub Island
- the smallest inhabited island in the world. Apart
from this tiny piece of land, 12 over a thousand
islands on the St. Lawrence River, on the border
35 the USA and Canada.
Now the land is known as Just Enough Room Island.
The family that bought it in 1950 changed its name
because the place was so small. They planned to
have a cosy holiday home la quiet area to get
away from city life. But when they built it, a lot of
tourists started visiting it and the family gave up the
holiday idea.
The land is the size of a tennis court and measures
just 306 square metres, so 12. just enough space for
the cottage.• several rooms inside: three
bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a big
kitchen. also a pair of deck chairs and a tree
outside the house. If you are wondering if it is safe to
live this house, the answer is: yes, it is; the island
is the level of the river for the whole year,
But mind your step"!
Walk carefully!

9 Przeczytaj Tekst I W Zeszycie Uzupełnij Luki Odpowiednimi Przyimkami Określającymi Polożenie Oraz Konstrukcją There Is There Are Posluchaj Nagrania I Sprawdź class=