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The most beautiful places in the UK
1. Loch Ness

One of the most well- known lakes of the Scottish Highlands is Loch Ness. Located near the town of Inverness, the deep, freshwater lake is most famous for the mythical Loch Ness Monster, or ,,Nessie”, who is said to live in it. Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid in cryptozoology and scotish folklore that is said to inhabit Loch Ness. It is often described as large, long-necked and with one or more humps protruding from the water. There are a lot of movies about this creature. For example “Loch Ness”, “Scooby Doo and Loch Ness Monster” or “Nessie & me”.

2. Stonehenge

One of the most prehistoric structures in all of Europe, Stonehenge dates back to about three thousand years Before Christ. The ring of stones has puzzled scientists and archeologists, and no one still knows what it was used for. It was built in several stages: the first monument built about five thousand years ago and the unique stone circle was erected in the late Neolithic period about two thousand five hundred years Before Christ. In the early Bronze Age many burial mounds were built nearby.

3. Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scottish Highlands

This spectacular railway is perhaps the most instantly recognizable location in Scotland. Featured in three of the Harry Potter films on the journey the Hogwarts Express makes from Kings’s Cross station to the school, it has become known as Harry Potter bridge. Located at the top of Loch Shiel in the West Highlands of Scotland, the viaduct overlooks the Glenfinnan Monument and waters Loch Shiel. The Glenfinnan Viaduct is 380 metres long, making it the longest concrete railway bridge in Scotland and it crosses the River Finnan at the impressive height of 30 metres.

4. Tresco Abbey Gardens, The Isle of Scilly, Cornwall

The isle of Scilly is located about thirty miles off the coast of Cornwall and has almost tropical air. Here off the coast of Cornwall, spring comes early, autumn stays late and winter hardly exists at all. Many of these flowers would stand no chance on the cornish mainland less than 30 miles away. Yet even at the winter equinox more than three hundred plants will be in flower. Tresco Abbey Gardens has over twenty thousand plants from eighty countries around the world. The seventeen acre gardens were established by the nineteenth-century proprietor of the islands, Augustus Smith, originally as a private garden within the grounds of the home he designed and built.

1. What does Nessie look?
2. When the first monument of Stonehenge was built?
3. In how many Harry Potter films can we see Glenfinnan Viaduct
4. Where are Tresco Abbey Gardens?

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Tutaj napisze jak ja uważam że np powino być możliwe że rówież mogę się mylić i z tego co widze to masz mało błedów.

The most beautiful places in the UK

1. Loch Ness.

One of the most well- known lakes of the Scottish Highlands is Loch Ness. Located near the town of Inverness, the deep, freshwater lake is most famous for the mythical Loch Ness Monster, or ,,Nessie”, who is said to live in it. Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid in cryptozoology and Scottish folklore that is said to inhabit Loch Ness. It is often described as large, long-necked and with one or more humps protruding from the water. There are a lot of movies about this creature. For example “Loch Ness”, “Scooby-Doo and Loch Ness Monster” or “Nessie & me”.

2. Stonehenge

One of the most prehistoric structures in all of Europe, Stonehenge dates back to about three thousand years Before Christ. The ring of stones has puzzled scientists and archeologists, and no one still knows what it was used for. It was built in several stages: the first monument built about five thousand years ago and the unique stone circle was erected in the late Neolithic period about two thousand five hundred years Before Christ. In the early Bronze Age many burial mounds were built nearby.

3. Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scottish Highlands.

This spectacular railway is perhaps the most instantly recognizable location in Scotland. Featured in three of the Harry Potter films on the journey the Hogwarts Express makes from Kings’s Cross station to the school, it has become known as the Harry Potter bridge. Located at the top of Lock Shies in the West Highlands of Scotland, the viaduct overlooks the Glenfinnan Monument and waters of Loch Shield. The Glenfinnan Viaduct is 380 meters long, making it the longest concrete railway bridge in Scotland, and it crosses the River Finney at the impressive height of 30 meters.

4. Tesco Abbey Gardens, The Isle of Silly, Cornwall.

The isle of Silly is located about thirty miles off the coast of Cornwall and has almost tropical air. Here off the coast of Cornwall, spring comes early, autumn stays late and winter hardly exists at all. Many of these flowers would stand no chance on the cornish mainland less than 30 miles away. Yet even at the winter equinox more than three hundred plants will be in flower. Tresco Abbey Gardens has over twenty thousand plants from eighty countries around the world. The seventeen acre gardens were established by the nineteenth-century proprietor of the islands, Augustus Smith, originally as a private garden within the grounds of the home he designed and built.


1. What does Nessie look?

2. When the first monument of Stonehenge was built?

3. In how many Harry Potter films can we see Glenfinnan Viaduct

4. Where are Tesco Abbey Gardens?