5 Przeczytaj dwa opisy krewnych Jeffa. Znajdź cztery błędy w opisie Zaka i popraw je.
Zapisz poprawione zdania w zeszycie.
His aunt isn't 36. She is 35.

My aunt's name is Karen.
She's 35 and she's very funny.
My uncle's name is Henry.
He's 36 and he's very clever.
My two cousins are Tyler and
Lionel. They are 8 and they're
Jeff's aunt is very funny. Her
name's Karen and she's 36.
His uncle is 35, and he's very clever.
His name's Harry.
Jeff's two cousins are 8 years old.
They're shy. Their names are Tyler
and Lionel.​

5 Przeczytaj Dwa Opisy Krewnych Jeffa Znajdź Cztery Błędy W Opisie Zaka I Popraw JeZapisz Poprawione Zdania W ZeszycieHis Aunt Isnt 36 She Is 35My Aunts Name Is class=

Odpowiedź :

She isn't 35. 36     Th ey aren't shy. Friendly         His name isn't Harry Henry              Hi isn't 35. 36     Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam.

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