Czy chciałby ktoś mi napisać (po angielsku) wypracowania na te tematy?
Nie tłumaczyć w tłumaczu!!!
Złe i błędne odpowiedzi zgłaszam!!! 7kl.
Szybko ale starannie!!!
około 100słów​

Czy Chciałby Ktoś Mi Napisać Po Angielsku Wypracowania Na Te TematyNie Tłumaczyć W TłumaczuZłe I Błędne Odpowiedzi Zgłaszam 7klSzybko Ale Starannieokoło 100słów class=

Odpowiedź :


I met an alien! At first, people were very scared, they were afraid that the aliens would kidnap or rob them! They felt it was going to be a difficult period in their lives, that they would have to work for them or worse. Fortunately, the aliens were nice to us, and they gave us strange devices that no generation knows. A very interesting phenomenon. They will probably be talking about it on TV or social media for the next few years. I used to dream of meeting an alien and what? Has become! They are not green, and they don't have huge eyes or antennae, as we thought a few years ago. they almost look like humans, only their skin color changes depending on the color around them! It's probably fun to be an alien, not to go to school and keep learning ....

Mam nadzieję że się podoba <3 (niezbyt znam angielski więc parę słów wzięłam z tłumacza, ale bardzo mało :)) pozdrooo