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Urus- tur

Ulysses butterfly- motyl z rodziny paziowatych



Uakari - a monkey from South America.

Uganda kob - a type of antelope found in Africa.

Uguisu - an olive plumed bush warbler.

Uhler's Sundragon

Uinta Chipmunk

Uinta ground squirrel

Uintathere - an extinct Pleistocene hoofed herbivore.

Ukrainian Brook Lamprey

Ultrasaurus - extinct dinosaur.

Ulysses butterfly

Umbrella bird - bird from South America.

Umbrette - a wading bird of Africa and Asia.

Unau - sloth

Unagi - a Japanese eel

Ungulate - a mammal with hooves.

Unicorn - a mythical horse that has one horn.

Upland gorilla

Upper Zambezi Labeo

Upupa - hoopoe bird

Upsidedown Catfish

Uraster - a species of starfish.

Urchin - sea urchin

Uria - black and white seabird.

Urial - wild sheep

Urochs - an extinct wild ox or bison.

Uromastix - a spiky-tailed ground-dwelling lizard.

Uromastyx lizard - a reptile; lizard.

Uromastyx maliensis - a small spiny tailed lizard.

Uromastyx spinipes - a large lizard.

Urraca - a noisy South American bird.

Urson - porcupine

Ursus - Latin for "bear"

Urubu (King vulture)

Urus (extinct wild ox)

Urutu - snake in South America.

Urva - (mongoose)

Ussuri Tube-nosed Bat

Utah prairie dog

U-spot Wrasse