Write an opinion essay on food waste in supermarkets (marnotrastwo żywności przez supermarkety)
(50-120 words)
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Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: The problem that we unquestionably need to solve is food waste, that is found in many supermarkest these days. Stores throw away lots of food, because customers weren't interesed in buying it, or the expiry date was coming to an end. I hold the view, that stores should do everything they can to minimize food waste. Some people, who don't have money, need food, and wasting it is very selfish. People's hunger is not the only reason, as wasting food has a negative impact on ecology. I think, that to solve this problem, supermarkest should ship unsold food to people in need, or put the discount on some product, that have short expiry date, that people will buy it.

Wyjaśnienie: nie byłam pewna co do zakończenia, czy powinnam jakieś napisać, ale większość masz. Możesz usunąć coś, jeśli jezt za dużo słów.