
Zadanie domowe: wybierz zawód i opisz, czy chciałbyś / chciałabyś wykonywać go w przyszłości i wyjaśnij dlaczego. Użyj wyrażeń:
• I would like to ... - Chciałbym / Chciałabym...
I wouldn't like to ... - Nie chciałbym / chciałabym ...
• boring, challenging, exciting, dangerous, risky, satisfying, to have a lot of responsibility, to work indoors / outdoors, well-paid, poorly-paid, stimulating

Odpowiedź :


I would like to be vet in the future. I love animals and I love spent my time with them. It's relaxing me soo much! I'm not telling it's easy work, it's really hard and you need to have a lot of responsibility of what you doing. If u make even only one mistake, it can be the last meeting of you and this animal. You need to be really focused and make everything perfectly. I like every animals expect snakes. They scare me soo much! If someone would come to me in future with snake I will not take carry of it. Unless, if someone would accompany me. In my opinion it's really hard but great work! It's my dream to be vet. I hope someday I will be able to take carry of every animals all around the world!


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