Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger's fur is yellow to light orange. It's stripes can be dark brown or black. It's stomach and insides of it's limbs are white. It's tail has rings all over it. Length of both male and female is 270 - 310 cm. Their height can reach to 1 m. Tigers can weight even 260 kg while tigresses up to 160 kg. They have the longest teeth among wild cats. They are not as muscular as many other tigers but they are still full of strength.
Bengal tigers live in Indian subcontinent. They are individuals, they rarely live in a group unless they have to. They are carnivores, they hunt grassland animals but occasionally, they might attack predators as well. Little tigers start to separate from their mother when they are about 2-3 years old and try to find their own terrority.
There are many threats that make these tiger's survival difficult. Most of them are caused by humans. Thankfully, they are protected by many companies and national parks. We also can find the figure of bengals in culture, for example, Sher Khan in "Jungle Book" or the tiger in "Life of Pi".