Napisz mail po angielsku
Jesteś na wymianie szkolnej w Londynie. Wyślij do swoich dziadków z Kandy list, w którym:
- zapytasz dziadków o ich samopoczucie
- opiszesz przedstawienie, na którym byłeś poprzedniego dnia
- wyrazisz nadzieję na szybkie spotkanie

Odpowiedź :


Dear Grandma , Dear Grandpa!                                  January twenty-second

At the beginning of my letter, I would like to extend my warmest regards to you! I'm on a trip in London. It's a great place! I've already toured Tower Bridge and Piccadilla Circus, and tomorrow I will watch The Hause of the Parlament.

    Yesterday I was at a very interesting performance at the theater. It told about British culture, including the most interesting places and buildings, traditional dishes, famous people and various curiosities. What I liked most was the scene where the actors introduced the audience to a British breakfast. It looked very appetizing! I will prepare you as we see each other!

     How do you feel? What's up with you? When I arrive, I hope to meet you as soon as possible!



Your ( twoje imię)