Zadanie na 15 min. - WYŚLIJ odpowiedzi przez zakładkę ZADANIA w dzienniku 1 Zaznacz poprawne opcje. 1. Tommy: I'd like a challenging / risky job which is not too easy and makes me work hard.' 2. Sue: 'I want to work in the service sector, perhaps as a nurse / chef as I'm good at cooking.' 3. Alan: I'm going to study law because I want to work as a journalist / judge.' nia: 4. Chrissy: I'm really into information technology, so I'd like to be a(n) software designer / accountant.' 5. Debra: 'I think I'll be a good colleague / leader because people like to follow me and I can manage a team of people.' 2 Uzupełnij luki w tekście wyrazami lub wyrażeniami, których definicje zostały podane w nawiasach. My brother started his first job as a(n) (1) (someone who repairs cars) last month. The garage where he works is outside the city and he hasn't got his own car, so he has to (2) (use public transport to get to work) every morning. He is the youngest worker there and he hasn't got much experience, so his (3) (the money he earns) isn't very good, but he enjoys working there. He says it's very (4) (pleasant and rewarding) when a broken car starts working again. The garage is very busy, so he often has to work (5) (longer than his working hours), but he doesn't really mind that. iki: brak