Podaj polskie odpowiedniki angielskich idiomów na podstawie opisu ich znaczenia.


1.Easy as pie.

Feedback: Very easy.

2.The icing on the cake.

Feedback: An additional improvement to something that is already good.

3.To take the biscuit.

Feedback: Used to say that something is the most silly, ridiculous or annoying thing out of a whole group of things.

4.To have a finger in every pie.

Feedback: To do or be involved in too many things to do them right.

5.To have your cake and eat it too.

Feedback: To have all the benefits of two situations when it should be impossible to enjoy them both at the same time.

6.Cookie cutter.

Feedback: Something or someone who lacks any distinguishing and/or original qualities or features.

7.To sell like hot cakes.

Feedback: To sell quickly and in large quantities. To be in high demand.

8.That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Feedback: Used to say that one must accept a situation even if they don’t like it because they can’t do anything to make things different Daje naj

Odpowiedź :

1. Bułka z masłem

2. Wisienka na torcie

3. Przechodzić ludzkie pojęcie

4. Maczać we wszystkim palce

5. Upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu

6. Bez polotu

7. Sprzedawać się jak ciepłe bułeczki

8. Fortuna kołem się toczy