III. Parafrazy zdań Nie zmieniając form wyrazów podanych wielkimi literami i dodając własne, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach tak, by oddawały sens zdania poprzedniego. Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 2 / 3 1. Do you have a good relationship with your little sister? GET Do you................................ with your little sister? 2. Ben is too short to reach this shelf. ENOUGH Ben isn’t …............................. reach this shelf. 3. Are you keen on music? INTERESTED Are ….............................. music? 4. This isn’t your pen. Give it to me. YOURS This pen …....................... . Give it to me. 5. I’m afraid these shoes aren’t big enough. TOO I’m afraid these shoes …................................... . 6. I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat all the cake. SHOULD I think you …................................. all the cake. 7. What colour are her eyes? OF What is the............................ eyes? 8. Mark lost his job yesterday. GOT Mark …................................ yesterday. 9. I have had enough of this noise! STAND I ….......................... this noise. 10. You can’t use this computer,it is not working. DOWN 3 / 3 You can’t use this computer, it has …................................ .