8 Przeczytaj tekst A. Uzupełnij luki 1–5 w e-mailu do Tomka (tekst B) zgodnie z treścią tekstu A. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku polskim.
Have you arrived in Poland yet?
Yes, we’ve been here since Monday. We stayed for three days in Kraków and now we’re in Zakopane.
Nice. How was your flight? It’s a bit over two hours from London, isn’t it?
That’s right, but we didn’t leave on time. We waited for nearly three hours before taking off.
Really? That’s terrible! But what did you think of Kraków?
It’s a beautiful city. My mum’s already been there twice, so she knows the place quite well, but we still went on one of the guided tours around the old town and visited some of the museums. One day, however, mum and my sister spent the whole day shopping, while dad and I went on a boat trip on the river. I have to say, however, that sightseeing isn’t really my thing. I like it more here in the mountains, where we are doing a lot of hiking.
Right. So, what about your plans for the rest of the trip?
We’re taking a train to Wrocław the day after tomorrow, but we’re only staying one night.
Then we’re going to Warsaw for a few days and from there we’ll fly back to London. That’ll be Sunday, I guess. My dad’s going back to work next Monday.
Look, while you’re in Warsaw, why don’t we meet up? I’m not going on holiday until August, so I could show you some of my favourite places.
That sounds great. I’ll let you know as soon as we get there.
Good. We’ll stay in touch.
Cześć Tomek.
Pamiętasz Chrisa z Londynu? Poznaliśmy go podczas naszej wymiany szkolnej w zeszłym roku. Chris jest na wakacjach z rodziną w Polsce od 1 _______________. Najpierw byli w Krakowie. Tam trochę pozwiedzali, a Chris ze swoim tata wybrał się na wycieczkę 2 _______________. Teraz są w Tatrach, co zdaniem Chrisa jest ciekawsze, bo lubi 3 _______________. Później zamierzają pojechać 4 _______________ do Wrocławia, a na koniec do Warszawy, gdzie zostaną przez 5 _______________. Mam zamiar się z nim spotkać. Może się do nas przyłączysz?