
Wyobraź sobie, że zatrzymałeś/ zatrzymałaś się w innym mieście . Napisz email I opowiedź koledze/ koleżance o tym miasteczku.

A) Use the text in Exercise 1 as a model.
B) Divide the email into four paragraphs:
1 Ask for and give news.
2 Describle the place
3 Describle the house
4 Close the email
C) Remember to begin and end the email with appropriate phrases.
D) Connect your ideas with linking words

Odpowiedź :



Hello mi friend. Well i have a problem Because i am in other cyty and i dont know where i am. But i have to tell you about that city. I think that is soo big and old town. Houses are small like in countryside. Can you help me to get out of there but first we need to explore that!