1. Pangolins only eat ants and termites, which they collect with their long sticky tongues. Interestingly, pangolins are able to close their noses and ears when they're eating ants to avoid bites.
2. This strategy protects it from other animals, but not from people.
3. People hunt pangolins illegally mainly for their scales, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
4. There are eight species of pangolin in the world and they're all under protection.
1. (...) są zdolne (able) zamknąć swoje nosy i uszy, kiedy jedzą mrówki, żeby uniknąć pogryzienia.
2. Ta strategia chroni (protects) je przed innymi zwierzętami, (...).
3. Ludzie polują (hunt) nielegalnie na łuskowce (...).
4. Na świecie istnieje osiem gatunków łuskowców i wszystkie są pod (under) ochroną.