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Hi Polly,
I can't believe I'm here at the Olympic Games! On Tuesday we watched the table tennis. It's amazing how hard they hit the ball at each other across the table! Then we had tickets to watch the diving. I can't believe how high up they are before they drop down into the water! Our seats were quite close to the pool, so we got a good view. It looks really scary, so it isn't a sport I ever want to take up.
On Wednesday we saw a bit of karate. It looks like a really fun sport. A few of my friends do karate already, so I might ask them where they have lessons. Maybe I'll go along with them.
Yesterday we watched some basketball matches. The players are amazing - the way they run, bouncing the ball on the ground - and they can throw it into the net from the halfway line! I was supporting the team from the USA. I can't remember what the final score was, but I know the USA won quite easily. It was great being part of a big crowd of sports fans.We all cheered when one of our players scored some more points.
Anyway, I definitely want to do more sport when I get back home on Friday. Let's go swimming on Saturday!
table tenis - ping pong
diving- nurkowanie
seats- siedzenia
take up- zająć się
do karate- ćwiczyć karate
have lessons- mieć lekcje
basketball- koszykówka
team- drużyna
score- wynik
fans- fani
scored- strzelone / zdobyte
go swimming- iść pływać