Zad.5 w załączniku PROSZE SZYBKO DAJE NAJJ :)

Zad5 W Załączniku PROSZE SZYBKO DAJE NAJJ class=

Odpowiedź :

1. Tanya prefers to watch films that make her laugh.

2. The lady who is sitting over there is my grandma.

3. The wallet which I fpund yesterday was full of money.

4. James has the key that fits in lock in this chest.

5. He came with a friend who waited outside with hos dog.

1. Tanya prefer to watch films that make her laugh 2. The lady that is sitting over there is my grandma 3. Yesterday I found a wallet that was full of money 4.James has the key which fits the lock on his chest 5. He came with a friend who waited outside with his dog