
Np. Do you live here? Yes, I do.
a) Have you got a computer? Yes, I do
b) Does your friend like football? No, she doesn't
c) Are your parents going to buy a new car? Yes,
d) Did you have a good time? No, ………………..
e) Was the weather OK.? Yes, ………………..

2. Ułóż pytanie do podanych odpowiedzi.
Np. I’m 23 years old. How old are you?
a) I was born in Cracow. ………………………………………….
b) Yes, I do. I love it.………………………………………………..
c) My mother is a teacher. …………………………………………
d) He went to London last week. ………………………………….
e) I’m reading a book. ………………………………………………

3. Podaj formę czasu przeszłego (2 formę) od podanych czasowników
np. can could
a) buy ……..
b) get ……...
c) do ………
d) met …….
e) write ……

np. At three o’clock
a) ….. Friday
b) ….. the afternoon
c) ….. night
d) ….. 23 June
e) ….. 2003
Proszę do 19 muszę wysłac

Odpowiedź :


1. c) Yes, they are

d) No, I didn't

e) Yes, it was.

2. a) Where were you born?

b) Do you like (może być love) Little mix's new album?

c) What does your mother do for a living?

d) Where was he last week? lub When did he go to London?

e) What are you doing?

3. a) buy - bought

b) get - got

c) do - did

d) meet - met (to co podał*ś w poleceniu jest już 2. formą)

e) write - wrote

4. a) on

b) in

c) at

d) on

e) in