Mjanuszko10 Mjanuszko10 05-02-2021 Język angielski Rozwiązane II. Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące (), przeczące () i pytające (?) formami was, were, wasn’t i weren’t. 1 My first bedroom ________ very small. 2 The children ______________ in the garden. 3 ? ______________ the car in the garage? No, it ______________. 4 The armchairs ______________ very comfortable. 5 ? ______________ the rugs in front of the fire place? Yes, they ______________. III. Uzupełnij zdania formami could, couldn’t i wyrazami w nawiasach. 1 When I was a baby I ______________ (not speak). 2 ______________ (you / ride) a bike when you were five? 3 The girls ______________ (understand) English when they were 10. 4 We ______________ (not open) the front door. 5 ______________ (your sister / dance) the salsa when she was younger?