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It’s up to all of us to play our part and help to p_ _ _ _ _ _ the environment.
Have a shower, not a bath. It will help to s_ _ _ water.
You can’t throw everything into one bin. You have to s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your rubbish out and recycle as much as you can.
Some people don’t seem to care that their actions d_ _ _ _ _ _ the environment.
These solar panels on our roof will g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ almost all the energy we need.
Before you burn that rubbish, think about how it will h_ _ _ the environment.
How many species will become e_ _ _ _ _ _ before the end of this decade?
People don’t do enough to protect e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ species.
I enjoyed visiting London but the p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made it difficult to breathe.
I think s_ _ _ _ energy should be the main source of electricity in many countries.