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Hi Jill,

You won't believe happened to me

Odpowiedź :

Hi Jill,

You won't believe happened to me, Last night i went to flower shop, and I had 10pln in my pocket I got the money from my dad so i could pay for flowers,they were supposed to be a gift for my mom for mothers day but when i picked up few roses and daisys and wanted to pay i noticed my pockets are empty i panicked and told the cashier i be right back.

After i got out of the shop i called my friend for some helpful advice and maybe so she can lend me some money but they didn’t pick up,that made me panic even more, I took a deep breath and realized theres nothing else left than telling my dad about the whole situation.

I started heading to my house, I opened the door and saw my dad sitting on the couch watching tv i came up to him and told him about everything, he wasnt really mad he just sighed,grabbed his wallet and gave me another 10$ i smiled to him and thought everything was alright he said,

"im gonna take that 10$ out of your pocket money."

That was awful information becuse it meant i wouldn't have money to grab some icecream with my cousin tomorrow, i hope I never lose money again

From , your friend