games console keyboard memory stick scanner webcam 1 You can type your password on the _______________________. 2 Switch on the _______________________ before you start your video chat. 3 Save your pictures onto a _______________________. 4 Use the _______________________ to play with/against other people online. 5 Use your _______________________ to copy pictures and then print them. 2. Podaj polskie tłumaczenie słów: games console keyboard memory stick scanner webcam folder mouse router smartphone speakers

Odpowiedź :


1. Keyboard

2. Webcam

3. Memory stick

4. Games console

5. Scanner


Games console - konsola do gier

Keyboard - klawiatura

Memory stick - karta pamięci

Scanner - skaner

Webcam - kamerka internetowa

Folder - folder

Mouse - myszka do komputera

Router - ruter

Smartphone - telefon komórkowy

Speakers - głośniki
