21.Przeczytaj definicje i dokończ wyraz
21.You use this to go to different floors. s__________
22.Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdanie.
The teacher no could come to class yesterday.
23.Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdanie.
Mum could drive when she was seventeen?
24.Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdanie.
We wasn't in the garden last night.
25.Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdanie.
When are you born?

Odpowiedź :


The teacher couldnt / could not a nie not could. Nie jestem pewna



21. stairs

22. The teacher couldn't come to class yesterday.

23. Could mom drive when she was seventeen?

24. We weren't in the garden last night.

25. When were you born?