Zadanie 1: Zakreśl poprawną formę: A lub B.

Przykład: Sorry, but I didn’t _____ your name. A take B catch

1 I’d like a _____ of chocolate, please. A bar B loaf

2 Do you like hard- or _____-boiled eggs? A fried B soft

3 Doctors say natural juice is better than a _____ drink. A fat B fizzy

4 Gemma always takes her own packed _____ to school. A lunch B supper

5 How do you make a good scrambled _____? A eggs B stew

Zadanie 2: Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Podano dwa wyrazy dodatkowo:allergic, cook ,frying ,garlic ,ingredients ,lay ,off ,on ,out ,recipe,salmon ,,wholemeal
1 What _____________ do you need to make the mushroom soup?

2 _____________ the table before the guests come.

3 This exercise will help you burn _____________ lots of calories.

4 Put fish fingers onto a hot _____________ pan.

5 You must eat more _____________ bread, not white bread.

6 Tuna and _____________ are my favourite kinds of fish.

7 You’re old enough to _____________ your own meals.

8 Here’s my grandma’s _____________ for onion soup.

9 I must be strong because I’m going _____________ a diet tomorrow.

10 Are you _____________ to honey or nuts?

Zadanie 3: Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.
Przykład: (Mam kilka jabłek) I’ve got a few apples, so let’s make an apple pie.

1 I’ve added (za dużo pieprzu) __________________ to this stew.

2 Zoya forgot to buy (kilka ogórków) ________________ for the salad.

3 We’ve got (dużo mięsa) _________________ in the fridge.

4 (Ile butelek) ________________ of milk did you buy yesterday?

5 (Ona nie ma żadnych) ___________________ sweets at home.